So...What's Healthy-ish?

Healthy-ish is my personal food philosophy.
Let's face it, it would rock to be able to obtain and prepare fresh, organic and locally grown food every day. It would also be incredible to eat nothing but big greasy burgers, french fries and peanut butter cookies. But let's get real...neither of these scenarios is a truly accessible option. So what do you do when you're busy, hungry and trying to be fit? You eat healthy-ish.
Healthy-ish means making the most healthful food decisions you can make, wherever you are. No one is perfect and food is delicious, so do your best. I want to give you recipes and ideas that can help you be healthier, happier and satisfied. And I want to hear about your healthy-ish meals too.
A little bit about me....back in 2004, I weighed a lot more than I do right now. I lost the weight over 3 years, and I never gained it back. This blog isn't a weight-loss program, and I'm no nutritional expert. But, I love food and I don't want to diet. I love to cook and entertain my friends. I love restaurants and learning about the way that food is prepared. And I love to feel fit and healthy. This blog is about how I try to make all of that work.
Email questions, recipes and healthy-ish ideas to [email protected]
Let's face it, it would rock to be able to obtain and prepare fresh, organic and locally grown food every day. It would also be incredible to eat nothing but big greasy burgers, french fries and peanut butter cookies. But let's get real...neither of these scenarios is a truly accessible option. So what do you do when you're busy, hungry and trying to be fit? You eat healthy-ish.
Healthy-ish means making the most healthful food decisions you can make, wherever you are. No one is perfect and food is delicious, so do your best. I want to give you recipes and ideas that can help you be healthier, happier and satisfied. And I want to hear about your healthy-ish meals too.
A little bit about me....back in 2004, I weighed a lot more than I do right now. I lost the weight over 3 years, and I never gained it back. This blog isn't a weight-loss program, and I'm no nutritional expert. But, I love food and I don't want to diet. I love to cook and entertain my friends. I love restaurants and learning about the way that food is prepared. And I love to feel fit and healthy. This blog is about how I try to make all of that work.
Email questions, recipes and healthy-ish ideas to [email protected]