I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't share a secret recipe that I use every single day to stay healthy-ish and feel awesome. The recipe is simple - a big glass of water and three vitamins. I know what you're thinking, "Hey Katie - stop trying to be a nutritionist and go back to re-posting other people's recipes." But this combination of vitamins has really made a difference in the way I feel everyday, so I want you to know about it. A few months back I was choking down a Woman's One-a-Day multi-vitamin every morning - and about 5 seconds after I took it - I'd feel incredibly awful....and then, I'd feel...nothing. Total waste of time - so I decided to do some reading on vitamins that really make a difference in how much energy I'd have, how I sleep at night, improve concentration and promote overall awesomeness (oh yeah and if my hair happened to get more shiny, so be it). So without further adieu, the results of my research (note: this is my obligatory reminder that I am not Dr. Safrey. I don't know the inner scientific workings of these vitamins, but I do know they work for me. I'm also not re-inventing the wheel here, turns out, many doctors recommend this combination of vitamins): 1. Multi-vitamin: For woman especially, we need to take a multi-vitamin everyday to supplement the foods that we're eating. Basically, most of us aren't getting enough of the good stuff and this vitamin helps round it out. Make sure you get one that doesn't contain too much iron. I look for something with a lot of vitamin C. Doctors also say to find on that has vitamins D and B, but read on for why vitamin B doesn't matter so much to me in a multi-vitamin. I'd steer clear of the One-a-Day brand - because apparently it has a reputation for making people not feel awesome after they take it. 2. Omega-3: If you take no other vitamin, take Omega-3. Take it twice a day (with meals - I do one with breakfast and one with dinner). This vitamin is a game-changer. Not only is it good for your heart, but it helps with stress and anxiety, makes your skin look great, and improves energy levels. Go get some Omega-3, and you can thank me in 2 weeks. 3. B-Complex: This is a vitamin that combines all the B vitamins into one super-pill. Vitamin B supports digestion, energy production and your nervous system. I take one of these a day - take it for two weeks, and again - the difference is noticeable. These vitamins falls into the Healthy-ish philosophy because I believe that when you feel good (physically and mentally) you make better choices about food and exercise. I take vitamins to set myself up for success - if I feel sluggish and tired, I'm more likely to reach for junk foods that won't help the situation. So my advice is to do whatever it takes to make yourself feel great everyday. PS....is all of this vitamin talk boring you? Well, tomorrow I'm teaming up with Jared and a mystery guest to review and rate light beers for you. Get amped! Have a great weekend - eat well and have fun!
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